Senior Quant Developer

Job reference #: QUDEVAU10
Location: Australia, Sydney
Compensation: TBD, high profit sharing scheme

We are looking for Senior Quant Developer who will be responsible for development, implementation and testing complex portfolio construction and risk management application for alternative investments and multi-asset portfolios. It is vital that you possess excellent programming skills across multiple platforms and languages as well as the ability of generating new analytical models or enhancing the existing ones. 


  • Excellent understanding of alternative investments
  • Excellent understanding of investment risks (market and/or credit) and analytical models
  • Work experience in small / medium project teams
  • Hands-on experience with Matlab, R, Java
  • Good PHP, Jscript, jQuery 
  • 10+ years of commercial application experience
  • Excellent knowledge of Oracle or SQL databases (end-user)
  • 10+ years of quantitative model development
  • Excellent VaR, GARCH, multivariate analysis, non-linear and global optimization skills
  • Excellent commercial optimization application knowledge
  • Experience in IT delivery and application design and programming in a large enterprise working on mission-critical IT systems
  • PhD or equivalent degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Physics or Engineering
  • MSc or higher degree in Software Development


  • New model research, development and testing
  • Redevelopment of Quant current components and development of new ones
  • Make requests for code modifications and new features
  • Models and components documentation

To apply: Please send cover letter, compensation requirements and resume to hidden link. Include job reference # QUDEVAU10 in your cover letter and resume.

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