Due Diligence Tools
Friday, May 30, 2025, 03:30pm - 04:30pm
Contact Chris Bartlett

Working with Document Manager and Due Diligence Framework. Custom fields and notes. Due Diligence flags.

Hedge Fund Due Diligence Software

Risk Shell CRM and Document Manager component includes a special module, Due Diligence Tools, developed for hedge funds, CTA and traditional long-only funds. This tutorial guides you through the main features of the Due Diligence module and explains the workflow of due diligence on hedge funds for a hedge fund practitioner.

CRM And Due Diligence Tools For Hedge Fund Practitioners

A brief overview of the Risk Shell functions for managing user-defined descriptive data and its integration with the due diligence framework:

  • Due Diligence status flags
  • User-defined custom descriptive fields
  • Types of custom fields and document categories
  • Due Diligence questionnaires
  • Due Diligence management system

Due Diligence On Hedge Funds - Step-by-step Tutorial

  • Working with due diligence questionnaires
  • Custom data: best practices and tips
  • Working with the multiple date notes
  • Creating custom due diligence questionnaires

Potential Audience

Institutional portfolio managers, hedge fund investors, hedge fund of funds and multi-asset portfolio managers, CIOs, advanced family offices, advisers, research houses, consultants, pension plans, endowments, family offices.

Location online
EST time zone. Afternoon session.
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