Stress Test Assessment: Hedge Funds, ETFs and Mutual Funds
Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 04:00pm - 05:00pm
Contact Andrew Grauberg, Paul Silverberg, Robert Fink

Introduction to Risk Shell Stress Test databases and risk statistics. EST time zone

Stress Test Assessment of Hedge Funds, ETFs and Mutual Funds

A special event webinar dedicated to the ABC Quant's proprietary stress test risk assessment framework. ABC Quant has developed the first in the industry stress test database (STDB) covering over 600,000 instruments, which include hedge funds, ETFs, mutual funds and CTAs. The STDB contains assets expected performance during simulated historical extreme events, e.g., the Credit Crunch 2008, Bear Stearns collapse, the Greek Crisis 2010 and so on. The STDN is being updated monthly and allows investors screening assets with defined stress test profiles. The new approach to asset screening greatly improves a traditional investment process and saves time on risk analysis: instead of performing stress tests on pre-selected assets investors can filter assets with desirable stress test profiles.

This tutorial explains the methodology of the Macroeconomic Scenario Screening™ and Trend Segmentation™ models and their implementation in practice, from the hedge fund investor's standpoint..

Basics of Stress Testing

  • Explaining factor models and the ways of selecting factor pre-sets.
  • Implicit and explicit factor models.
  • Stochastic vs. Factor Stress models: pros and cons.
  • Evaluating factor models.

Stress Test Database Structure

  • Introducing stress test statistics.
  • Filtering assets based on stress test statistics.
  • Multi-statistic Peer Group Analysis with stress test metrics.

Asset Ranking with Stress Test Statistics

  • Introducing Multi-statistic Ranking Framework.
  • Comparing multi-statistics for asset ranking.
  • Eliminating assets with insignificant factor models.

Getting It All Together: Step-By-Step Tutorial for Fund Managers using Risk Shell

  • Creating stress test filters.
  • The concept of 'reverse engineering' for multi-asset portfolios: mitigate extreme event risks in advance.
  • Real-life portfolio examples.

Potential Audience

Institutional portfolio managers, hedge FoF and multi-asset portfolio managers, risk managers, CIOs, advanced family offices. endowments.

Location online
Hosted by Dr. Grauberg. 4:00pm EST. For professional, accredited or institutional investors only. Applications submitted from public emails are not accepted. Limited number of seats.



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